Your next great read or watch is just around the corner with all the library has to offer. From books to movies and magazines, the library provides access to both physical and online materials from a variety of sources. Check out some of our offerings below!
Please visit our For Kids & Teens section for detailed youth offerings.
What's Inside
KCPL offers a curated collection of captivating reads, carefully selected to ignite your imagination
LEARN MOREUse your library card to access thousands of eBooks, eAudiobooks, and more through KCPL
LEARN MORELooking for your next great film or TV series? Gain access to DVDs, online movies and TV, and more
LEARN MOREKCPL offers access to hundreds of online resources, from entertainment to legal sources
LEARN MOREKCPL offers a selection of online magazines and newspapers, available through our online databases
LEARN MOREResidents who are blind, or have a visual or physical disability that prevents reading, can find useful information here