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Books and More
Library Account

Kent County Public Library accounts are free to all Maryland residents. You can apply for a temporary card online.

For non-Maryland residents, the annual fee for a KCPL account is $10.

Your library account allows you to borrow books, audiobooks, movies, music, and more, free of charge. You can also use it to download ebooks, stream video, and use other resources in the Digital Library.


If an item in our online catalog is not currently available, you can place a request for that item. When the item becomes available, you will be notified.

Place your own requests in the online catalog through My Account, or call or visit the library and ask a staff member to place a hold.

If we do not own an item, you can try searching Marina, Maryland's statewide Interlibrary Loan service. You will need your library card number to log in. If you find an item in Marina that is requestable, select the branch at which you would like to pick it up and submit your request. If you don't see what you are looking for there either, or would prefer that we place the request for you, let us know. We will do our best to get it for you.

Interlibrary Loan

If KCPL does not own an item you would like to borrow and it is not available via Marina, we may be able to get it for you from a library system outside of Maryland. To ensure prompt and accurate service, please direct all ILL requests to a member of the Reference staff.

Contact us if you would like to request an ILL item.


Most items can be renewed three times, as long as no one else has requested them. Items cannot be renewed if you have over $50 in fines on your account. Renewals can be made in person, over the phone, or via My Account.

In general, Interlibrary Loan items can be renewed once. However, some are not able to be renewed at all due to restrictions placed by the lending library.

Book Kits

Borrow a book kit containing multiple copies of a single book for your book club, your friends, or any group that wants to read together. Over 300 book kits are available in the Eastern Shore Regional Library consortium! Browse and request through our catalog or let us know if you'd like help with the process.

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Digital Library

Your library account gives you access to our Digital Library as well as the materials in our physical locations. The Digital Library includes research databases and downloadable materials, job search resources, and community information.

If you have questions about these resources or have difficulty accessing any of them, please let us know.

Information Services

Our reference librarians are very familiar with our collection and can help locate information and resources outside of our collection, too. If you have questions, are having trouble finding an item, or would like help finding books or other resources, don’t hesitate to ask a reference librarian.

Bulletin Board

We have bulletin boards in our branches with information on library and community events. If you have information you would like to have posted on our bulletin boards, please bring it to the circulation desk. For more information, please see our Bulletin Board policy.


To learn more about upcoming programs, services, and other offerings, visit our Newsletter page to view the current issue of our newsletter and sign up for email delivery.

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Online Catalog

Our online catalog lets you search or browse for books, audiobooks, movies, music, and more.

The My Account feature allows you to see what items you have checked out, find out when items are due, renew items, and place requests.


Each of our branches offers free high speed wireless access that can be accessed inside and outside of the buildings.

Public Computers & Laptops

We have computers available for the public to use free of charge. We also have laptops at each location that can be checked out for in-library use. Please see our Computer Use Policy for more information about using the computers.

Printing and Photocopying

Basic printing and photocopying are available as an in-building service or via curbside pickup at the Chestertown and North County locations. Click here for details on in-building hours.

Currently, the first 10 pages are free and additional pages cost 20 cents per page.

To submit a document for printing, please attach it to an email and send to

Please include your name and phone number in the email so we can contact you if we have questions about your print request.

When your document has been printed and is ready to be picked up, we will contact you.

If you have questions about this process, please call 410-778-3636.

Mobile Hotspots

Borrow a mobile hotspot and take the internet with you! For more information, please see the Hotspot User Agreement. Use the catalog to request a hotspot or talk with library staff if you'd like help with the process.

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Other Services
Programs & Events

We offer programs for all ages throughout the year. For information about upcoming events, visit our Calendar.

Meeting Rooms

The Kent County Public Library has a meeting room at its Chestertown branch, for use by community groups for cultural, informational, educational, intellectual and civic purposes.

Library programs and events using the Meeting Room take precedence over outside groups' use of the Meeting Room.

Click here for information on fees, policies, and to make a reservation.

Notary Public

Notary services are no longer available at KCPL.

Tax Forms

During the tax season (approximately January to April) the library will have limited copies of certain state & federal tax forms and publications available, as well as circulating books on tax preparation. Library staff are unable to offer advice on which forms to use or how to fill them out.

For additional information related to taxes, visit these websites:

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Chestertown Branch
408 High Street
Chestertown, MD 21620

North County Branch
119 N. Main Street
Building E, Suite 3
Galena, MD 21635

Rock Hall Branch
5746 N. Main Street
Rock Hall, MD 21661